Thursday, August 2, 2012


I've recently been starting to rediscover myself. Since, I am just starting to get to know myself again- I thought maybe some of my readers would like to get to know me as well.

What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?

--The Motto - Drake. I know REAL appropriate right? It takes me back to a month ago, my 72 hour road trip to Utah and one of my besties Angie. I love her, I loved that trip. That trip opened my eyes

What is one of your favorite quotes?

I have a few these days.
Classic- Haters goin' to hate. This one is really important to me. I've finally started to realize that I need to make choices based on what is going to make me happy. Because no matter what choice you make in life, someone is always going to hate it. Someone will ALWAYS have an opinion about it

What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

I LOVE playing sports. Basketball, football. Laying by the lake, tanning. Sewing(those who know me well, might be surprised by this one), being with the ones I love doing absolutely nothing.

What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

shorter list might include the chores in which I like doing. arg. I guess I dislike them all the same.

What is your favorite form of exercise?

I love spinning. Playing basketball and plain ol' lifting weights. There's nothing more satisfying for me, then surpassing something I did last week.

What sound do you love?

I love the sound of silence. My mind races a mile a minute 24/7. So to have my mind completely relaxed and silent is something I love.


If you knew the world was ending in 2012, what would you do differently?

-Take more changes, love my fiercely, smile more, tell my family I love them, give more service. Don't sweat the small stuff.

If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?

-I would focus on my business plan, take the plunge and do it.

Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best?

-HA, I laughed when I read this. I think I can sum this question up in one sentence. Yes, my whole life for the last 6 years.

A quote comes to mind that I think sums up things nicely for me

" A Successful woman
is one who can build a
firm foundation with the bricks
others have thrown at her.

I tag everyone who reads this. Copy and Paste this, link back to my blog and tag other people. Include a photo of yourself that best describes you. Comment here when you've done this- so I know to link up with you.

This was me. This will be me. I am only journey to re-descovering who I am, what my passions are. I am anxious to get back to this place. I am genuinely happy.


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