Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sooo Grateful......

That my baby sister is alright....

There is nothing worse than getting a phone call after you've gone to bed, that someone you love has been in a car accident....

oh wait.

There is.

When you're 3 hours away from home and your moms phone cuts out after she says "Lachele, I'm at the hospital, Kayla has been in an accident."

That was the LONGEST 5 minutes of my life(waiting for her to find another phone to call me back on)

She calls back. Last night at 10pm my little sister(who really isn't litte-she's 22) was in a car accident. First thing I thought was- She's dead. My mom seriously wouldn't have called me that late at night to worry me over nothing. Then memories of my accident came flooding back. Tight Chest, Teary eyes, My heart sank. Ugh. I wanted to throw up. My sister was driving with one of her friends last night and they went from pavement to gravel and I guess her friend lost control of the car and they flew into the ditch where my sisters side of the car smashed into a pole. Now I can sympathize with this. My car was hit by a truck on my side-right smack on the door.

When my parents got to the hospital-they were greeted by the nurse who greeted them almost 4 years ago after my accident. Both the nurse and my parents said it was Deja vu' (mom, atleast you have no other kids....ha ha you don't have to worry about this phone call again.) Oyi. I always try to make light of situations....especially ones like this. Ugh. They got her all cleaned up-took her to xray.

We both said the samething after our accidents. "Don't cut my clothes-they're new"-- nice priorities huh? Thats all she remembers.

There are still memories flooding back about my accident-the things that I remember, the feelings that I had, the way my life changed after that day. I'm really glad that Kayla isn't going to be in the same boat that I was in. She's a strong girl. She's going to bounce back from this like a pro. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I kept thinking about all the different senarios.
-she's fine but theres internal bleeding they won't catch
-she hit the back of her head in that ONE place that will kill you.
-she's paraylsed.
(I'm morbid) You think about all the things that could have happened before you realize that they DIDN'T HAPPEN and then you thank the Lord that they weren't as bad as they are.

She's at home now. I talked to my mom this morning. She's going to be one sore little girl...and if she thinks she's sore now...wait until tomorrow. I know what shes' going thru. She can't take anything stronger for the pain other than Tylonol. She's going to be a hurtin' unit. I was. I still am.

I got down on my knees after I talked to my mom and thanked my Heavenly Father for watching over my sister. I know that she was protected. I love her, and I hope that she gets better with no lasting effects(like me)

On a sidenote- It's her birthday on Monday. Happy Birthday kid. I'll see you soon!



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