Monday, December 14, 2009

I feel bad.....

I feel bad for not posting anything since thursday.... it hasn't even been a week yet, and I already feel bad. I have no new news, or juicy gossip, or whatever... Sad.

It was MISERABLE this weekend... like -49 temp. I was soooo lazy. I went to the gym, I went to church... and other than that I watched Christmas movies.

I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. Saturday. YUP. Saturday I'll go finish all my shopping. Well, I guess I need to START, before I can be close to finishing. OYI.

Everytime I go shopping I just see stuff I want for myself. Now that's Christmas Spirit if I've ever seen it.

Well, I really HONESTLY have nothing. Tonight I'm making gingerbread houses, and going to the gym.

Tomorrow is the special fast for Paige, so I'll be at the church tomorrow night after work, then to the gym. Wednesday night I'm making 'truffles' with the rest of the Presidency to give to the sisters for Christmas. I don't even know what a truffle is... I'm pretty busy this week.... Friday I'm going for 'drinks' with the girls I work with....-- Diet coke and lime on the rocks! Oh heeeeeeeeeellllll yah! haha

Well, I'll post some pictures of gingerbread houses, and truffle making.

TEEEEEEEEEEN DAYS til I get to go home and eat chinese food with my family, and watch christmas movies ALL night with my sister, and OPEN presents! :)


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