Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Crazy girl in Institute

You know how sometimes when you see a certain person raise their hand, you cringe, you get embarassed and sure hope there are no investigators/less actives in that particular setting....well I think I've become that person who when she raises her hand in institute they're worried about what might come out of my mouth.......nothing bad....just..... let me just recount the conversation...

Everyday at the beginning of the class we start out by saying our names then Brother Young has us say something about us.....

Week 1: My name is Lachele.......and (something about your mom) my mom is the bees'knees(WTF)....she really is...but did I have to say the bee's knees? what does that even mean?
Week 2: My name is Lachele......and (something that changed about you this week) my crush of the week has changed (FML) seriously! I don't even have a crush of the week... I just had nothing to say
Week3:(last night) My name is Lachele.......and (something good that happened to you this week) I was sick alot of the week so I re-read all of the twilight saga.....(werid stares from people, thinking only 13 year old girls do stuff like that )...........class continues...... Teacher asks.... if you could meet anyone in the WORLD who would it be...... *lachele pipes up* EDWARD CULLEN......everyone laughs..... do you really think I'm THHHHHAT obsessed with Eddie?

I can't find my 4th book so what do I do?? I go out and BUY it again.... just to start reading it at 9pm..... I allotted myself 1 hour before bed to be anti-social and read.....11:15 rolls around and it feels like I've been reading for 15 I'm 200 pages into the book.... and I had to pry it out of my hands so I could go to bed.......

<3 Edward Cullen<3

1 comment:

{Sarah} said...

You are a dork! "My crush of the week changed" Seriously, you said that out loud. LOL I still love ya though!