Friday, February 6, 2009

Now I know where I get my.....

....stalking abilities from...hahaha my MOM called me yesterday and we were talking, then all of a sudden she asked me how my foot was doing, and I haven't talked to my mom in a few days so I didn't remember telling her about my foot, and how I had hurt it running at the gym....buuuuut shes like oh, no I read it on your blog....BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And to think I didn't think anyone really actually read it...apparently my mom doesn't think she talks to me shes facebook stalking me and blogstalking me.... its totally legit... I stalk people all the time..... I just thought it was wicked funny!!

1 comment:

Kimba Lance said...

Hahahahahahaha you can stalk me anytime!! Can't wait to see you. This weather better stay good or I....