Thursday, May 19, 2011

lifes little lovelies....

That has to be the most absurd title I've ever thought of.
However I've just had alot of little thoughts running thru my head. I love just jotting them down.

-My mom called me last night and told me to go buy an umbrella because she knows I don't listen to the weather. This morning I needed it. It's a pretty pink plaid one.

-It's been really nice this last week, and now it's raining. My body is definately feeling the effects of weather change.

-I put my extensions in my hair last night. My real hair is almost as long as the extensions are. *which I'm stoked about. I use to have really long hair, then got really dumb and chopped it all off. It looked cute but I still cry about it*

-Vancouver Canucks are up 2 games to 0 in the NHL semi finals. Bring on the CUP. They're playing my friends team(he literally plays for the San Jose Sharks so it's a little bitter sweet. Sorry Devin.)

-I can do 30 push ups on a bosu ball.

-I'm learning to love quad extensions AND lifted lunges/squats(I can feel my bum getting tigher) ha

-I can now run a 10 minute mile.

-I'm really excited to go blonder this weekend.

-I wish it wasn't suppose to rain all weekend, I want to go riding.

-I'm excited to float down the river this summer with my friends

-I love getting together with Kait on Saturdays to go riding-and have a picnic with Ruthie.

-I love that Ruthie is still at a stage where Aunt Lachele is still cool. I'm going to hate it when she's too cool for me.

-I want to start feeling more independent. I'm currently seeking out different ways to do so. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

-I'm looking for more volunteer opportunities...again. Suggestions grately appreciated.

-I want a vacation. I have some friends who live in Utah who I think could really benefit from some Lachele time.

-I want to go dancing in the rain.


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