Friday, October 1, 2010


So remember how I loved the blog

Well, I'm pretty sure all along I knew it was fake.

Some of that stuff was just out of this world.

They finally fessed up. It was slightly creepy to know the vision I had of them in my head is NOTHING close to how they are in real life.

I follow a couple other annon/potentially fake blogs.
I doubt the vision I have of those people is how they really are.

For any of you who have followed their blog as well, should go check out their latest post.

Too Funny. I'm pretty sure my days of following those types of things are over.



ashley said...

ha ha i knew they would be 30ish.

Lachele said...


and there definately not that good looking either.. ha ha not that I held out much hope.

I wonder who the next fakies will be. Any guesses?

Wesley Eff said...

That kinda bums me out that they are fake. They are why I started doing mine in the first place.

Lachele said...

Does that mean you're the next fakie wesley??

That's sad! I like Rexburg and you sounded like fun

Lachele said...

Does that mean you're the next fakie wesley??

That's sad! I like Rexburg and you sounded like fun

Wesley Eff said...

Ha I'm 100% real. I wish I had time to write a new post. Maybe tomorrow.

Megan said...

haha it didn't make the blog any less funny though!