Thursday, January 21, 2010


**Ok, I realize that this post probably couldn't come at a worse time. I was actually going to blog about this yesterday but then I got side tracked and ended up spending more time at the gym than I thought**

Ok, so a recent blogpost by one of my followers upset me a little bit, not even so much HER post, it was all of the comments she was getting on her blog that upset me. She pretty much said she hates running/working out and hates reading about blogs that talk about how much people love running or whatever. Fair Enough. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Now I never for one second thought she was attacking me, but then I realized that I post alot about working out-training to run a half marathon,triathlon,etc(or I use to this time last year) so that's when I got a little bit ehhhh...offended. Any time I hear the word 'offended' I immediately think of Elder Bednar's talk about being offended and I realize that SHE, nor HER followers offended me. I choose to be offended. So I'm choosing to be UNOFFENDED now. But I still want to post bout this. Everyone is entitled to their opinions as I am entitled to mine.

I feel like I need to defend myself. Maybe. I don't know what I am doing. All I know is that when I post about running/working out this is a VERY big thing for me. I was in an accident a while back that hurt me alot! I was in pain for well OVER a year, I wasn't able to go to the gym, I wasn't able to run 6 miles in 50 minutes and the fact that I can do the things that I am doing right now is pretty much the BEST feeling ever, and the fact that I am doing it with little to NO pain is a miracle. So that's why I choose to blog about it. Also, I need to be accountable to people. So when you see my facebook status say 6.5 down 142 to go, that means I have another 6.5 miles down and 142 miles until I reach my goal. That is something that I should be proud of, and I should be able to brag about, because it took alot of hard work after my accident to get to where I am right now. So, I understand that some people don't think that running/working out is something they want to read about,because it's not motivational to them. It's motivational to me and it's something I want to blog about.

I wish I was that I was the type of person who HAD never go to the gym, eat what I want and still be a size 6. But I'm not I either need to eat lettuce and water, or workout alot. Props to you if you can do that. You are my hero and I wish I was more like you, even tho I would probably still work out.

Now, onto the REAL reason why I was going to post about this before I saw her blogpost. I work with someone who is over weight. All she ever does is talk about how fat she is and how she wants to lose weight and become a size 10. But she goes home feeds her daughter(who is well on her way to being over weight as well) McDonalds, Wendys and all that crap... and refuses to work out. She makes up the lamest excuses like she has to chase around her child(granted I am not a mother, and don't know what it's like to raise a 2 year old) BUT I have friends who have children that young and find the time to work out, work full time and still have time for their families. I plan on doing that when I have children. I also have friends who include their kids in working out so they learn to love it as well. Point of this post is because of this story not the one above and excuses like her boobs are too big. Mine are too. I workout. I might have to double up on the bras' but ya do what ya gotta do. I've doubled up on sports bras since I was in highschool.I was in the gym SIX days a week between basketball/conditioning/games/etc . I've had my fair share of sore boobs. ..that was just a rant. Point is, is if people are not willing to put in the work to get in shape, don't talk to me about wanting to lose weight. I've offered to work out with you, help you with a meal plan, suggested books to you, to help cook healthy for you and your family and you're not taking my advice.

People who don't like working out and eating well... please don't tell me you're fat and want to be a size 10.

People who don't workout and eat crap.. my hat is off to you. I'm jealous! Just you wait when your 40 you might not be able to do that.

People who have to work out, eat right and cheat a little bit. I'm with you. I need to work very hard to maintain my weight where I like it. Part of it is due to the above reason(my accident) and some of it was because I ate like crap in highschool and my body is paying for it now.

Confession-I ate like crap Tuesday night and I'm STILL paying for it. I'm all bloated, and have heartburn. It was good while I was eating it, but I don't like the way I feel. I love the way I feel when I eat a good light meal, and exercise. I love the way running makes me feel :)

This was a huge rant. Wow. I would say sorry. But I'm not going to cause it's my blog :) feel free to comment and tell me how selfrighteous I am, or how I only have a one track mind, and how I am 'whatever you think I am'. This was not intended to offend anyone. I know first hand what it's like to be offended. I choose to be offended.

I hope that you will still read my blog as I brag about the accomplishments I achieve to run a half marathon, because two years ago I would have never been able to make that sort of goal.



Jules AF said...

I can't really comment on this issue anymore because I don't care. It seems silly to me right now as my grandpa is lying in the hospital.
You'll notice that it's running we're talking about, not any other exercise. There are other ways of exercising other than running.
That's all I can say.

Lachele said...

Follower no more...

I'm sorry that your grandfather is dying.

Jules AF said...

Sorry, I just didn't like your attitude, so I choose not to read your blog anymore.

Lachele said...

haha. ok

Tripp Hazard said...

You got offended because someone didn't like blogs about exercising? Come on my Canadian friend, you gots to chill out. Exercise is great, I am so glad that I work out. I have friends who don't work out at all and that is their prerogative. Either way, it's your blog, write whatever you want! I especially enjoyed the part about the boobs. As a guy, I don't have to worry about this issue. However, while running on the treadmill, I certainly motivate myself by looking at some of the hotties walking around the gym.

Lachele said...

haha, oh tripp......
I got offended(and I think offended is the wrong word to use but I don't know what to use so offended works.) cause everyone said running sucked and blah blah, and I just took it to heart. I think it's gross when people just sit and eat potato chips. Have you ever seen the biggest loser? I don't want to turn into that!

Ha- Yes, I'm glad that, thats what you're looking at.It's probably what guys are looking at when they see me run. Maybe I should just flaunt it? No?

chelseyk17 said...

lachele, i LOVE it when you blog about running and going to the gym and exercising, etc.! it actually motivates me to get off of the couch, put down my potato chips, and do something!

Diva's Drama said...

Ha ha. Well I'm trying (TRYING) to get motivated to exercise. I don't really like to run to just run. So I need to find a partner and do like Hip hop abs or something.

Hey and no worries. I got annoyed at someone who posted on my blog awhile back. Ha ha. I'm sure people could tell how I was all: "I don't want a lecture." Mwaa haaa... lol

Lachele said...

Thanks Chels, atleast someone cares haha... and you use to be in those basketball practices with me too:) You know what they were like!!

Diva- take some zumba classes or something like that. I just like running cause it's fun to say I just ran 6/5 miles in 55 minutes:) haha I do like bragging what can I say. It feels good!