Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Alright! So...this is pretty much where I air my dirty laundry! So, here is some more dirty clothing for the rest of the internet to see!

I suck with saving money. I rock at spending money... This = NO GOOD! errrrr....

Do I get a part time night time job(serving/gym/fabutan) or something to support my spending habits, OR do I just crack down and make a really good budget and stick to it like theres no tomorrow?

**Sidenote** I make alot more money than I probably should.... It's not like I only make like $14 an hour or something....I make good money, and I still suck. Ugh.

I've had more than one lecture from my dad, about how saving is important, and it might not seem like it now, but 25 years isn't that long away, and if I want to retire then I need to get serious now. :(. I am not a serious person.

The only thing that would take a hit from getting a part time job would be my gym time schedule. HOWEVER, I work well under pressure. If I know I work 3 nights a week, you better believe the other 4 nights will be spent at the gym.

.Calgary is a bit boring right now, I've been a hermit lately. So, instead of complaining about it, I'll just get another job so that I can afford to keep my hefty spending habits AND go away all the time.

...This is purely selfish... All for me...Every last penny... I don't need another job, and I'm sure if I budgeted my money properly...I'd be rich.

Do I get a part time job? Or don't I? That is the question!


Do you know all the cool things I could do with more money? I could go on more exotic trips, more trips to see old friends, I could BUY more stuff for myself, I could potentially own a house alot faster, OR I could even save most of it :)

Like I said. Purely SELFISH :)

Thats how I roll



Amber said...

I would say budget your money. That way you learn how to do it now and you have time to just unwind after working all day. Ummm or learn how to budget and get a part time job. Then you would be loaded!

Lachele said...

I like the way you think Mrs. Palmer! Part time job, and budgeting :) haha! AWESOME!
P.S it was way nice to see you Sunday. What a nice surprise! I guess thats what happens when I go to the family ward!

M said...

See I would get a part time job at the Gym, that way you can feed your Gym Habit (which is good) and make some spare cash on the side. You will even score a free gym membership out of it.